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Design Tokens

# Overview

Design tokens are special variables used to maintain a scalable visual system for UI development and brand consistency. Cedar design tokens store the visual design attributes that define the foundation of REI’s visual language, including color, typography, and spacing.

Visit the All Tokens page for a complete list of available design tokens.

Design tokens are key-value pairs. For example:

Key: value;
cdr-color-text-primary: rgba(12, 11, 8, 0.75);
  • The key name defines the usage or how to apply the value to a specific context, such as using text on a light background
  • The key stores visual design attributes
  • The key replaces hard-coded values, such as hex values for color or pixel values for spacing

# Contract of Intent

  • Tokens are versioned and maintained by the design systems team
  • Consumers are required to stay within one major version of the current release
  • Contract of intent will not change when a variable value is updated over time

# Benefits

# Improved UI Development

  • Promotes greater visual consistency and maintainability (when there are changes to brand elements)
  • Aligns with brand standards
  • Consumers can stay in sync with any changes to the visual language with minimal impact to the code

# Ease of Maintainability

Design Tokens can streamline redesign processes when:

  • The Cedar team updates a value (such as with a new typeface or color hex value), the tokens do not need to be changed in code by consumers
  • Teams can consume these changes from SEMVER releases to our supported packages

# Brand Consistency on Any Platform

  • Extends the distribution of the REI visual language across platforms
  • Ensures brand consistency across all digital channels

# Extensibility

  • Designers and developers have access to design tokens when creating custom components for their applications (within brand standards)

# Use When

Design Tokens can be used by teams:

  • To supplement components when designing page layouts
  • To create custom components that are visually aligned to the REI brand styles
  • To create new components that can be contributed back to the system
  • When there are technical limitations to consuming components

# Don't Use When

  • Don’t use design tokens to make modifications to an existing Cedar component. Instead, submit a request on #cedar-user-support (opens new window) or come and talk to us during our weekly office hours on how to support your needs on an existing component.
  • Don’t use design tokens to only access a value or values when the token name does not match it's application (for example, don't use a 'color-background-button' token to style a border or an element that is not a button). Instead create a local variable in your project or hardcode the desired value.

Questions about when to use design tokens? Ask the Cedar team in #cedar-user-support (opens new window)

# How to Use Tokens

# For Designers

Token libraries are automatically available in the Assets panel when you create a new file in Figma. These libraries contain color, type, spacing, prominence, and icon styles that correspond to Cedar tokens.

When using design tokens, it’s your responsibility to pass the entire design token name to the developer during the design hand-off process—this can be through automated or manual methods.

For more information, see Getting Started As A Designer.

# For Developers

A base requirement for using Cedar design tokens is that you are able to consume and maintain packages through the following development processes:

  • Web consumers:
    • Your project can compile CSS variables
    • You can import NPM packages
  • Native iOS:
    • You can import CocoaPods

# Install Tokens Package

Resources are available within the CdrToken package (opens new window):

npm install --save-dev @rei/cdr-tokens

  • SCSS variables at dist/scss/cdr-tokens.scss
  • LESS variables at dist/less/cdr-tokens.less
  • JS as both commonJS and ES module at dist/js. Also noted in package.json as main and module respectively
    • dist/js/cdr-tokens.common.js
    • dist/js/cdr-tokens.esm.js

# Using Cedar Design Tokens

SCSS example:

@import '@rei/cdr-tokens/dist/scss/cdr-tokens.scss'; /* import the design tokens file */

.your-default-text-class {
  /* use mixins to apply many properties at once */
  @include cdr-text-default;

.your-other-default-text-class {
  /* using SCSS placeholder selectors instead of mixins can optimize your final CSS output */
  @extend %cdr-text-default;

.your-other-text-class {
  /* use scss variables if you need to apply specific properties */
  color: $cdr-color-text-error;

LESS example:

@import '@rei/cdr-tokens/dist/less/cdr-tokens.less'; /* import the desogn tokens file */

.your-default-text-class {
  /* use mixins to apply many properties at once */

.your-other-text-class {
  /* use variables if you need to apply specific properties */
  color: @cdr-color-text-error;

JavaScript example:

import { CdrBreakpointLg } from '@rei/cdr-tokens'; /* import the design tokens file */

let screenWidth = window.innerWidth || 0;

// Detect Large Breakpoint
if (screenWidth >= CdrBreakpointLg) {
  // Do Something

This repository follows SEMVER practices and will notify users of changes and updates on the #cedar-user-support Slack channel.

# Token Criteria

# Is “cdr-color-text-primary a design token?

Is “cdr-color-text-primary used in several components or layouts? Yes
Is it clear where this is to be used based on its name? Yes
If I apply this design token in my component and use it to specify the color for primary text will it still be used for the primary text color in a future design update? Yes
Is this design token used for multiple elements and NOT specific to one element? Yes

Result: All of the criteria are met and so “cdr-color-text-primary qualifies as a design token.

# Is “easily-excited” a design token?

Is “easily-excited” used in several components or layouts? Yes
Is it clear where this is to be used based on its name? No
If I apply this design token in my component and use it to specify a color will it still be used for that color in a future design update? Yes
Is this design token used for multiple elements and NOT specific to one element? Perhaps but it is not used consistently

Result: Only two criteria are met and so “easily-excited” does not qualify as a design token.

# Naming Structure for Design Tokens

The naming structure for design tokens follows:

  • Category: Top level that contains foundational elements such as text, color, spacing
  • Sub-Category: Describes and narrows category for token. For instance, color-text will define a color for text and can be used for icons
  • Item: Continues to narrows usage for token. For example, if text is a property, the item could be form to indicate text used in a form control
  • Sub-Item: Describes and narrows category for token. For instance, form could be modified by input
  • Variant: Describes prominence or state for a token
  • Size: Describes size for a token, if applicable

The below tables for the naming structure show that levels will be skipped when not used.

Category Sub-Category Item Sub-Item Variant Size
color text input label
color background primary
text heading serif 800

# Adding Design Tokens to the Repository

If you have a request for a design token that is missing from the Cedar Tokens list you can submit a request to #cedar-user-support (opens new window) or come and talk to us during our weekly office hours.

Ensure that the design token meets the following requirements:

  • Design token is used in several components or layouts
  • Design token is used for multiple elements and NOT specific to one element
  • Design token name will continue to have the same semantic meaning in future releases
  • Design token name follows platform requirements:
    • Web: Uses Kebab case. For example, cdr-color-background-primary
    • iOS: Uses Pascal case. For example, CdrColorBackgroundPrimary
    • Android: Uses Snake case. For example, cdr_color_background_primary